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Get behind Wales by Trails

Visit Wales’ marketing theme for 2023 couldn’t be better suited to the needs of those businesses that serve visitors to the Wales Coast Path and three National Trails in Wales.


Wales Year of the Trail picks up from the success of Visit Wales’ five themed years to date: adventure, legends, sea, discovery, outdoors. It presents you with the ideal opportunity to market your business on the back of a major national campaign.

This year is all about finding forgotten treasures, embracing journeys of the senses and making memories along pathways around attractions, activities, landscapes and coastlines.


Wales by Trails is a call to celebrate our pathways and trails and to open our country for all to enjoy. The Visit Wales campaign offers valuable support to the tourism sector in what continues to be challenging times.


To learn more about the Wales by Trails campaign go to Wales Coast Path / Wales by Trails. Visit Wales is also encouraging tourism businesses to send in details of events and activities celebrating Llwybrau/Trails by emailing; to enable Visit Wales to capture and share content.

The “Llwybrau. Wales, by Trails” industry guide is also now available, along with a logo, logo guidance and high-quality images, for industry partners to download and use for “Llwybrau. Wales, by Trails” marketing. Take a look and download them at Assets: Llwybrau | Visit Wales.

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